
Journalist intern. Studied Bioengineering in Porto and was a lab rat in Sweden. Enjoying Berlin and the company of Labiotech’s resident plants.

Articles by Denise Neves Gameiro

Can Biotech make Antivenoms Better and Cheaper with Antibodies?

Could GM Insects impact the international trade of Organic Food?

The Shiniest Golden Vertex? 15 Great Biotechs in Cambridge

Researchers are One Step Closer to Understanding Artificial Silk

Will Legos go Bio? The Sustainable Future of ‘Greener Toys’


RNA Spray fights Viruses and could Sidestep problems with GMOs

‘Packaged’ CRISPR Systems to Standardize novel Biomedical Research

Meet Photanol: Harnessing Cyanobacteria’s Powers for Green Chemicals

Rethinking Bioplastics: Future Directions in the Industry

UPDATE: The HIV Frontier starts Phase III Vaccine trials in South Africa

SynBio reinvents Photosynthesis with artificial CO2-fixing Pathway