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Two Biotechs Team Up to Test their Cancer Antibody Combo in the Clinic

How is Biotech Transforming Pharma’s R&D Model?

The Shiniest Golden Vertex? 15 Great Biotechs in Cambridge

An EU Project will tackle Multiple Sclerosis using Personalized Multi Omics

7 European Institutions in the Largest Cancer Bioinformatics Collaboration

‘Winner Antibody’ holds promise as universal Influenza A Vaccine


Novel Antibody for Influenza gets FDA Fast-Track Approval

64 Million RSV Infections Per Year: Perhaps Alpaca Nanobodies Will Save Infant Lives

The UK-Israeli €378M Small-Molecule Offensive Against Migraines

Get to Know the Top 50 Women in the UK’s Biotech Scene

How Big can be Small in Biotech – #BIO-Europe 2015 Keynote

For when it actually is Lupus: New Autoimmune Crisis Drug reaches Human Trials