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German Biotech allies with Genentech in battle for Cancer Vaccine

7 Books to turn you into a Biotech Genius over the Summer

Modern Biotechnology is Now 40 – Happy Birthday!

When the Biggest Tech Investors Go Wild for Biotech

History of Biotech: How the “First” Biotech Patent Generated Millions

#Sorry: The World-leading Oncology Company fails in Phase III


TauRX, the leading Alzheimer-focused Biotech, earns funding after Phase II breakthrough

Rabbit Antibodies proven to be more specific than Mice in Immuno-oncology PD-L1 Research

Will Roche lose its Worldwide Leading position in Cancer treatments?

Genentech’s Sean Bohen defects to AstraZeneca as CMO

Top 5 Biotech Books to Enjoy your Summer on the Beach

Roche and Clovis combine drugs to fight lung cancer, the most common cancer worldwide