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Ferment the Next Bio-Revolution with IndieBio Accelerator

French SynBio Biotech to ferment wood for Carbon-free Future

Florida to release Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes to stop Zika Virus

This Pioneering Systems Biology Professor Received a €400K Prize from Novozymes

‘Every Droplet Counts’ with €1M Investment into French Microfluidic Start-Up


Synthetic Biology Breakthrough in Production of Natural Carotenoids

Here are 8 of Forbes’ Under 30 Year Olds Transforming European Biotech

Pei-Ying Lin’s BioArt: Stunning Smallpox, Nutritious NanoFood and Microbial Fractals

French Investor Leads €60M Financial Round for the Future of DNA Synthesis

Nature’s Machines: Biohacking Evolution to Destroy Pollutants

Novozymes Spawn World’s First Recombinant Albumin Biotech in Denmark